Whether you should include a private naturalist guide for all or part of your vacation depends. It depends on you and it depends on the guide.
For many travelers, without question, the right guide can be the single most important element of a successful trip.
Walking through the forest with a great naturalist guide is akin to experiencing a dramatic work of art---even if you don't see one single beast. The guide conjures up humor, tragedy suspense and you are at center stage. Some people even cry. Everybody laughs; Everybody learns; Everybody’s lifetime memories are enhanced.
Guides take the hassle out of travel. They provide education, insight into the host culture and often simple friendship. Travelers who have decided to go it alone often end up wishing they had a guide.
Being stuck with a bad guide or even just a guide who is a bad fit can ruin a vacation. And our private naturalist guides are expensive. They are well paid and you also have to cover their lodging and meals.
However we feel so strongly that a private naturalist guide is the right choice for many travelers that we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOU MONEY BACK.
If you decide, after the first day that the Naturalist Guide is not worthwhile, we will refund the entire fee you paid for the guide, including that day. No questions asked.